Showing 11 products in the Laser - Tools brand.
DIY maintenace on boats has always been a popular pastime, even in the early days, when we sailed around the world, mariners were capable of fixing, mending or making-do while they were out at sea - typical because they had to to survice.
Today, fixing a boat and making it run for the first time in years, or getting going again from a breakdown can be a very satisfying accompishment, especially if you have spent a whole lot of time, energy and money to get your beloved boat operational. Tools are an essential consideration to any DIY mariner, and a good onboard tool kit should not be overlooked by any captain - at least if you have some tools on board someone might be able to use 'em even if you can't!
Generally a good set of spanners, screw drivers and generic tools do help in most situations, occasionally it might be worth buying more engine spefic, or boat defined, tools to help with mid-trip breakdowns should you be willing to partake in the repair. Laser tools, based in England supply robust, high quality and economical tools to consider for your on board kit, many of which are availble in metric tools and imperial tools to suit different ages of engine and boat manufacturer. Their latest development are fully insulated tools for hybrid and electric cars with advanced wiring to avoid unwanted power shorting.