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Freeman Cruiser Rudders

Made in the United Kingdom

Freeman Cruiser bronze rudders are complete rudders including the blade and stock (otherwise known as a rudder shaft) and feature a keyway slot for locating the rudder securely.

Freeman Bronze Rudder with 1" Stock

By Freeman Cruisers : SG010A
Part #: SG010A
Availability: Usually from stock

Freeman Bronze Rudder with 1 1/4" to 1" Turn down Stock

Part #: SG010B
Availability: Usually from stock

Freeman Bronze Rudder with 1 1/4" Stock

By Freeman Cruisers : SG010C
Part #: SG010C
Availability: Usually from stock

Freeman Cruiser Rudders

Freeman Cruiser bronze rudders are complete rudders including the blade and stock (otherwise known as a rudder shaft) and feature a keyway slot for locating the rudder securely.

Please note that there are various rudder sizes used on Freemans through the years of manufacturing so please ensure you have measured your particular rudder shaft size and note that some shafts have a turn-down shaft towards the top end.

New rudders, rudder blades, and rudder stocks are usually available to fit the majority of standard Freeman Cruisers that need replacing with several held in stock. If you think you need a new rudder and cannot see your rudder in the list above please contact us on 01491 652085 as they are usually available.

Rudder stocks can split at the fork where the blade joins and should be examined. Sometimes the rivets loosen and the blades need to be tightened.

If there appears to be more serious damage or electrolysis has set in then a new rudder is usually the only option. Look for signs of 'pinkness' and pitting in the blade close to the stock.

Many underwater components are covered by marine insurance so it is a wise idea to check your policy details to see if you are covered for accidental damage.


  SG010A SG010B SG010C
Stock Diameter 1" 1 1/4" - 1" Turn down 1 1/4"
Commonly found on F22's, F23's, F25's, F26's, & F24's F23's, F25's, F26's, & F24's F27's
Please Note

When checking and working on the underwater gear it is important to disable the engine so that there is absolutely no chance of it starting while you work on the gear.

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