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Morris Superclean Zero Lead 2005

A lead substitute fuel treatment formula which can be added to unleaded fuel as a replacement for '4 star leaded' petrol.

Morris Superclean Zero Lead 2005 - 500ml

By Morris Lubricants : ZER500
Part #: CM039A
Availability: Usually from stock
SRP £19.37
You Save £2.87 (15%)

Morris Superclean Zero Lead 2005

Morris Superclean Zero Lead 2005 lead substitute is an advanced, potassium based, lead substitute for treatment to unleaded petrol which provides additional detergent and dispersant performance.

The fuel treatment formula can be added to unleaded fuel as a replacement for '4 star leaded' petrol and helps to lubricate valves and guides and prevents valve seat recession. It also adds flame front control to ensure efficient transfer of power across the top of the piston preventing detonation, 'hot spots' and running-on.

Morris Superclean Zero Lead 2005 Specifications

Quantity 500ml

Morris Superclean Zero Lead 2005 Dosage Table

Zero Lead 2005 mm Unleaded Fuel Litres Treated
20 6
30 9
50 15
100 30
150 45
200 60

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